I had to go to a doctor's appointment and I couldn't make it in time for the reading and Mika Miko's performance. I was so bummed. Everyone should go out and buy Ms. Hopper's book! Click HERE and fork over the cash, you know you want to.
I met up with Dean, Jen, Michelle, and Juan after the show and we went to the beach and ate mangos.
Michelle and I were both beach Goths. You can't see me but I am rockin' all black also. I stayed covered up cause when I was at the doctor she referred me to a dermatologist to check some moles for cancer. So I was super freaked out lounging around at the beach.Dean has a fancy hat and that sick Silk Flowers t-shirt that Tipton had on before but you couldn't see in the photo.Sunny summer beach day. I prolly don't have skin cancer but it is better just to get that shit checked out anyway, right?
Hope you don't have skin cancer either. Can't wait to hear the new EP. Hope to see you guys again in SF soon.
lol @ "juan"
Dude. Randy if you have cancer I would cry. But I am like the whitest person ever and I get burnt all the time. If I don't have cancer yet, I am sure you don't either.
we're saving you one of the shirts don't worry see you in August love Silk Flowers dudes
why am i making that weird face ??
Wish I had a Silk Flowers shirt. :(
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